Mentor Coaching

The primary objective of mentor coaching is to help the mentee enhance their coaching skills, deepen their understanding of coaching principles, and gain confidence in their coaching practice. It involves a combination of observation, constructive feedback, and collaborative discussions aimed at identifying areas of improvement and building upon existing strengths.


One-on-One / Group Mentoring Sessions:


Whether you're seeking to renew your ACC or PCC accreditation or aiming to obtain your first ICF accreditation, we offer tailored solutions to support your journey. Our comprehensive mentoring program includes the option of personalized one-on-one sessions or engaging group mentoring, totaling 10 hours as mandated by the ICF. 


Our experienced mentors bring in-depth knowledge and insights, guiding you through the accreditation process with a focus on your unique strengths and areas for growth. With a commitment to your professional development, we ensure you're well-prepared to meet the ICF's rigorous standards and excel in your coaching career.



You have the flexibility to select the mentoring approach that best suits your preferences and schedule:


1- Opt for a deep dive with 10 hours of personalized one-on-one sessions, allowing for targeted guidance tailored to your specific needs.

2- Join our dynamic group sessions, with either seven 1.5-hour gatherings for collaborative learning

3- A mix of three one-on-one and four 2-hour group sessions for a balanced experience. 


Whichever path you choose, our accredited mentors are dedicated to fostering your growth, ensuring you meet the requirements for ACC or PCC accreditation, and enhancing your coaching skills for success.



Benefits of Mentor Coaching:


1. Skill Development: Mentor coaching helps the mentee improve their coaching skills and techniques. Through observation, feedback, and guidance, the mentee can refine their coaching approach, active listening abilities, questioning techniques, and overall coaching effectiveness.


2. Increased Confidence: As the mentee receives constructive feedback and support, they gain more confidence in their coaching abilities. This boost in self-assurance allows them to take on more significant challenges and handle a variety of coaching situations with greater ease.


3. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Mentor coaching encourages self-reflection in the mentee. By analyzing their coaching sessions and receiving feedback, they become more aware of their strengths, areas for improvement, and personal biases, leading to continuous growth and development.


4. Exposure to Best Practices: Mentor coaching exposes the mentee to best practices and proven coaching methodologies. The mentor coach, with their experience and knowledge, can share valuable insights and resources, helping the mentee expand their coaching toolkit.


5. Ethical Guidance: Mentor coaches assist mentees in navigating ethical dilemmas and maintaining high standards of professional conduct. This guidance ensures that the mentee adheres to ethical principles and builds a strong reputation as a coach.


6. Goal Achievement: Mentor coaching aids the mentee in setting clear and achievable coaching-related goals. By having a mentor's support, the mentee can work towards these goals with greater focus and motivation.


7. Continuous Learning: Mentor coaching promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Both the mentor coach and the mentee stay engaged in ongoing professional development, leading to long-term growth and excellence in coaching.


8. Credentialing Support: For those seeking coaching certifications or credentials, mentor coaching hours are often a requirement. Mentor coaching provides the necessary support to meet these criteria and pursue professional recognition.


9. Networking Opportunities: Through mentor coaching, mentees may gain access to a broader coaching community and network with other professionals in the field. This can lead to potential collaborations, referrals, and shared learning experiences.


10. Improved Client Outcomes: Ultimately, the mentee's growth and development through mentor coaching positively impact their clients. As the mentee becomes a more skilled and confident coach, they can provide more effective coaching sessions, leading to better client outcomes.


Overall, mentor coaching plays a crucial role in the professional development of coaches, fostering a supportive and growth-oriented environment that benefits both the mentor coach and the mentee, and ultimately contributes to the advancement of the coaching profession as a whole.






  • Benefits of Mentor Coaching
  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Group mentoring

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